The DOs and DON’Ts of the Gas B Exam

Prior to the exam

Students in the Gas Fitting Level 2 (harmonized system) or in the Level 4 Plumbing (non-harmonized system only) have the opportunity to write their Gas B exam in order to obtain their Gas B License. In order to be eligible for this exam, Technical Safety BC (TSBC) requires Gas Fitters to have a minimum of 1815 work-based hours recorded on their official ITA Program Transcript, and plumbers, a minimum of 4815 work-based hours. On or around the first week of the class, a PVC representative will send the students an examination application form as well as a form help guide. Students will be required to provide the filled form to PVC directly prior to the deadline stated in the e-mail. PVC will also retrieve the official program transcript from ITA DirectAccess for each student. Failure in complying with the requirements for the Gas B exam application will result in an ineligibility in writing the exam.

Once PVC obtains every student’s application forms and all transcripts are retrieved, these documents will be sent to TSBC for processing. TSBC charges an exam fee, and students are required to pay this fee directly to TSBC (Fees are subject to change). TSBC will contact the students directly for payment by phone. It is imperative that students do not miss this call as this may result in a late payment.

During the exam

On the first week of the course, PVC will share with the students any relevant exam procedures (“Exam Guide”) that are to be followed during this exam. This exam is managed and administrated by TSBC. Currently, this exam is running Online and should students experience difficulties during their exam, they can contact TSBC directly or refer to the TSBC exam guide.

After the exam

In order to obtain their license, students are required to be successful in their Gas B examination and to complete their apprenticeship in their trade. Students have to complete all work-based hours, and receive a passing grade in all of their levels of technical training. Once their sponsor fills out the “Recommendation for Certification” form and submits it to the ITA, the apprentice becomes a journeyperson. It is only then that the student can attend TSBC’s office to pick up their Gas B license. Students will be required to show proof of apprenticeship completion. TSBC states that Gas B examination results are valid for one calendar year after the exam. Failure to complete all stated requirements and to collect the license will result in a rewrite requirement.

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