How Apprenticeship works
How does a Plumbing Apprenticeship work and how do I get my Interprovincial Plumbing certification ?
This is how it works … A Plumbing Apprenticeship is normally 4 years in duration. After a person is indentured to a company the apprenticeship commences and the apprentice works on-the-job for 1 year. At the end of the first year of on-the-job training/work experience, the apprentice is released from work to attend plumbing Level 1 technical training at a recognized college. Upon successful completion of Level 1 technical training the apprentice returns to work for another full year of on-the-job training/work experience. At the end of the second full year of on-the-job training/work experience, the apprentice is once again released from work to attend the second level of technical training. The third and fourth years of apprenticeship work in the same way as the previous level 1 and level 2.
Level 4 technical training is when apprentice will prepare for the Inter-Provincial plumbing exam.
Once the apprentice has accumulated the full number of work-based hours and has successfully completed all levels of in-school technical training, the apprentice will receive the Certificate of Apprenticeship from Skilled Trades BC and The Inter-Provincial Plumbing Certificate.
How does a Gas Fitting apprenticeship work and how do I get my class “B” Gas license ?
This is how it works … A Gas Fitting Apprenticeship is normally 2 years in duration. After a person is indentured to a company the apprenticeship commences and the apprentice works on-the-job for 1 year. At the end of the first year of on-the-job training/work experience, the apprentice can attend Gas Fitting Level 1 technical training at a recognized college. Upon successful completion of Level 1 technical training the apprentice will continue to work for another full year of on-the-job training/work experience. At the end of the second full year of on-the-job training/work experience, the apprentice is once again eligible to attend the second and final level of technical training (Gas Fitting Level 2). On the last day of class; Technical Safety B.C. (TSBC) administers the exam to the apprentices and records the results. If the apprentice scores 70% or better on the Class “B” Gas Exam they become eligible for the Class “B” Certificate of Competency, issued by TSBC.
Once the apprentice has accumulated the full number of work-based hours and has successfully completed both levels of in-school technical training, the apprentice will receive the Certificate of Apprenticeship from Skilled Trades BC. The apprentice then submits confirmation of the Certificate of Apprenticeship to the TSBC office. At this point TSBC will issue the person a Class “B” Gas Fitting Certificate of Competency, or formerly known as a Class “B” Gas license.
How does a Sprinkler Fitter Apprenticeship work and how do I get my Inter-Provincial Sprinkler Fitter certification ?
This is how it works … A Sprinkler Fitter Apprenticeship is normally 4 years in duration. After a person is indentured to a company the apprenticeship commences and the apprentice works on-the-job for 1 year. At the end of the first year of on-the-job training/work experience, the apprentice is released from work to attend Sprinkler Fitter Level 1 technical training at a recognized college. Upon successful completion of Level 1 technical training the apprentice returns to work for another full year of on-the-job training/work experience. At the end of the second full year of on-the-job training/work experience, the apprentice is once again released from work to attend the second level of technical training. The third year of apprenticeship works in the same way as the previous level 1 and level 2.
Once the apprentice has accumulated the full number of work-based hours and has successfully completed all levels of in-school technical training and passed the Sprinkler Fitter Inter-Provincial exam , the apprentice will receive the Certificate of Apprenticeship from Skilled Trades BC and The Interprovincial Sprinkler Fitter Certificate of Qualification.
Apprentice Loan Information
Information related to apprenticeship grants can be found at the following link: (**Note, Grants will be ceasing to exist after March 2025)
What is the Canada Apprentice Loan (CAL)?
CAL is loan funding offered by the Government of Canada to apprentices registered in a Red Seal trade apprenticeship program who are enrolled in technical training.
CAL is meant to help apprentices pay for tuition, tools, equipment, living expenses, cover forgone wages or support their family.[/vc_column_text]
How can CAL Help Me?
If you meet the eligibility requirements for CAL you may receive:
- Up to $4,000 in loans per period of technical training;
- Up to 5 funded periods of technical training;
- Indefinite interest-free status.
Am I eligible?
You are eligible for CAL if you:
- Are a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person;
- Are registered in a Red Seal trade apprentice program;
- Are enrolled in block release technical training or the equivalent full time technical training (pre-apprenticeship, day release or part-time technical training are not eligible);
- Pass a credit check (required if you are applying for the first time).
How do I apply?
Starting January 2, 2015 you can apply for a CAL online at www.canada.ca. The Canada Apprentice Loan Service Centre (CALSC) will assess your application and, if approved, will administer your loan.
To apply online:
You must first ‘Register’ for a CALSC Online Services account, and then ‘Sign In’ to complete and submit your application. Applying online is quick and easy, and will speed up application processing time. You will also be able to check your application status online, update your account profile and receive important updates.
What are the application deadlines?
- The earliest that you can apply is 3 months before your technical training starts.
- The latest that you can apply is the last day of your technical training.
How does repayment work?
- CAL is interest-free.
- CAL enters repayment when you are no longer confirmed as a registered apprentice.