

Standard Level Exam (SLE) Acronyms

The ITA has updated their Plumber page with useful acronyms and abbreviations used in their SLE. Plumbing students can navigate to this document to read through the list. A reminder that a similar document can be found on the Sprinkler Fitter page of the ITA’s website for Sprinkler Fitters.

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Soldering, Brazing and Threading Practical is LIVE in the Shop

Students were at the school today with their instructor Lewis to perform a Soldering, Brazing and Threading practical. All students were excited to get hands-on experience as part of their Plumbing Level 1 technical training.

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Breathing Exercises for a Relaxed Mind

Box breathing is a breathing technique that can help calm an individual during a time of heightened stress. Distracting the mind by counting down inhalations and exhalations, while increasing the oxygen intake, the body and mind destress, giving the nervous system a break. This is a tool that has been used for many years by […]

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Plumbing Level 4 Harmonized Success!

Today, these students completed their final PVC exam which marks the last day of their plumbing technical training. They are now fully equipped to attack their Inter-Provincial Exam tomorrow. We wish them luck with their future endeavors.

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Updated Exam Question Bank!

Our new exam question bank is getting an overhaul right now and we will be releasing it in the new year. Our instructors are working on creating a better exam bank so that we can offer improved exams for our students that align with the program outline. This will allow the instructors to quickly generate […]

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Code Books and Exam Adjustments

As of October 1st, 2022, the Industry Training Authority’s (ITA) Standard Level Exams (SLEs) for Harmonized Plumber Levels 2 and 3 have been adjusted to reflect both the 2015 and 2020 versions of the National Plumbing Code Book. As mentioned on Technical Safety BC’s (TSBC) website, as of October 1st, 2022, the recognized code book […]

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Shop Day Alert!

We are excited to have students working away on some tools in the shop today doing a rough-in plumbing practical. This is a practical that students must complete during their Level 2 Plumbing technical training. Once they are done, a city inspector will attend their workstation and evaluate their work to determine whether it is […]

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The DOs and DON’Ts of the Gas B Exam

Prior to the exam Students in the Gas Fitting Level 2 (harmonized system) or in the Level 4 Plumbing (non-harmonized system only) have the opportunity to write their Gas B exam in order to obtain their Gas B License. In order to be eligible for this exam, Technical Safety BC (TSBC) requires Gas Fitters to […]

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We constantly strive to provide the most flexible and accessible training through creative training solutions.


PVC is committed to employers and apprentices to ensure that no one is left behind and that everyone has a voice in apprenticeship.


PVC strives to be a leader in training delivery through our use of effective online systems. This creates a flourishing learning environment for our apprentices to succeed.


Respect, understanding, and perspective are tools we use to foster a loyal relationship with our apprentices and employers.

Mailing Address

Pacific Vocational College
4064 McConnell Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 3A8


Phone: 604.421.5255
Fax: 604.421.7445
Email: admin@pvc.training