Effective Study Skill Building

Effective Study Skill Building

Advantages of Developing Effective Study Skills

• Allows you to remain motivated and be more efficient, which will allow you to achieve goals easier.
• Reduces stress and anxiety related to deadlines, exams and memorization of information.
• Improves your self-esteem.
• Study will be more effective and organized which allows more return for the time invested.

Prepare a Study Area

• Have a clean, well-lit, comfortable and organized study area where you can spread out your notes, your computer, and your books.
• Chose an area with no distraction.
• Chose whether you want to study in silence, with white noise or with instrumental music.

Schedule, Prioritize, Plan

• Write down the important dates (exam, practicals, etc.) in your agenda.
• Figure out how much time to dedicate to each topic.
• Make a clear schedule in your agenda (paper or virtual) what and when you need to study.
• Use the Pomodoro method (click here for more information).

Take Effective Notes While Studying

Step 1

Have a notebook and various pencils, pens, and highlighters handy for note taking.

Step 2

While reading, both in the material and code books, highlight important facts, formulas, definitions, tables, code clauses, etc. In your notebook, write them down as important facts, bullet point style.

Step 3

After you wrote notes on each subtopic, carefully laying the important information and concepts, start making connections between different parts. This will make the information more comprehensible to you and help your brain to learn.

Tips For Taking Exams

• Get enough sleep the night before. (No all-nighters! – this will actually be more detrimental).
• Go through your entire regular night and morning routines.
• Prior to the exam, do at least one relaxing activity for yourself.
• Quit studying at least half an hour prior to the test.
• Use anxiety relief strategies.
• Have a conversation with yourself in your mind that is of an encouraging nature.
• During the exam, read each question slowly, twice. Underline or highlight key words and phrases. Reword the question in a way that makes sense to you.
• If you cannot answer a question, take a deep breath and go to the next one. Return to the questions you are unsure about later.

Few More Tips

• Stay hydrated
• Reward yourself!
• …and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

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