General FAQ
1. What are the prerequisites to attend PVC?
You must be working in the industry and be indentured as an apprentice with SkilledTradesBC.
2. How do I become indentured as an apprentice?
You must find an employer who will sponsor and sign you up as an apprentice. Information on apprenticeship programs is available at the SkilledTradesBC website www.skilledtradesbc.ca
3. Can I collect EI while I am at school?
All apprentices may apply for EI while attending classes. Eligibility is determined by Service Canada. You may inquire at the Service Canada office for eligibility requirements.
4. How many hours do I need to attend a level of training?
There is no required number of hours to attend a level of training. It is however recommended to work for 8 – 12 months before attending a level of training as you will have the practical experience to help you grasp the technical components.
5. How do I find out how many hours I have worked?
Contact SkilledTradesBC customer service 778-328-8700 or log in to your DirectAccess account from skilledtradesbc.ca
6. How do I get my school reports?
PVC will send the grades to SkilledTradesBC and they generate your official transcripts. One copy is mailed to the apprentice and another copy is mailed to the sponsor. Any additional copies can be requested by calling SkilledTradesBC customer service 778-328-8700 or printing a copy from DirectAccess.
7. What happens to my apprenticeship if I switch employers?
Your apprenticeship will still be active, but you must transfer your apprenticeship to the new sponsor and update any changes to SkilledTradesBC. You will have to fill out the Apprentice and Sponsor Registration Form with your new employer as your sponsor.
8. What upgrading classes are offered at PVC?
PVC offers upgrading classes for CCC Re-Certification and Plumbing IP Exam Preparation.
9. How do I get a T2202 form from PVC?
PVC does not issue T2202 tax forms. Each apprentice will receive a Certificate to Support Tuition Payments and this certificate is what the apprentices can use to claim, against their taxes, the tuition portion that they paid